32/06 ROCKS!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

*Change from Vivo to MARINA kk!!*


ok we will meet at 7pm at MARINA MRT!

we can just go to a RESTAURANT no need to book anything.

down there got many many many MANY food restaurant!!

WHO DARE SAY NO! no excuse will be valid.. offenders kanna taupok!

thank you hahahahahahahhahahahahha i mean muahahahahahah
msg ur attendance to my HP!! cheers

-posted by clovis

the BEST cg||12:00 PM||

Sunday, December 24, 2006

YOU GUYS CAN VIEW THE SKI TRIP PICTS IN THE option "photos" at the left hand side of the screen


-posted by clovis

the BEST cg||10:30 AM||

Friday, December 22, 2006

HEY everyone from 32/06 :) the yr 2007 is gg to be a very significant year for us!
2006 has indeed been a wonderful yr! we have all grown so much and surely close friendships have been made (: this yr seemed veh short. first 3 months, orientation 1, O2, JCT, promos, PW, class outings, pasta days, class chalet, cycling, lastly the korea trip where the 5 of us (myself, flo, des, xiuru and wanhsin) really bonded (: its an amazing year of ups and downs! from a totally failure JCT to a record promos. we all have done well!! i can firmly agree that this has been one of my most enjoyable year.

2007 is knocking at our doors, this yr is very crucial.. Orientation 1, MCT, JCT,Prelims and the final hurdle the As.. let us all stick together as a class.. UNITED. (man united haha)..

it is sad to see one of us leave the family of 32/06 but lets look forward to a brighter 2007.. working hard and at the same time bond like no one's business. 2007 is gg to be a very short year. lets treasure this time together.. being for each other thru thick and thin.. all 20 of us..
4 dist is a possibility. nothing in this world is impossible!

you 15 girls!! jiayou.. don ever let go.. work towards ur goal.. its not too far. its within YOU!
the 5 of us guys..! garang abit! keep pushing!

we need the laughter in the class.. the abundance of happiness for 2007.. so, zhuangshu! jiayou ok! laughing is THE best medicine!

for the quiet ones, joy, yiling, fiona, christianne--- make some noise, we're gna miss ur voices if u dont make any in 2007! u all have such nice personalities!

nori, carol, abby, cheryl-- stay cheery! we'll need that smile that never fails to brightens up our day! ur smile makes all the worries fade away! u guys are the indirect motivators. we will need every ounce of it next yr

shalynn, wanhsin and flo! u 3 have been really a joy to be with! u guys have shown me the meaning of being who i really am. serious. it sounds chim i agree! u 3 are the one of those whom i'd turn to when i need help.. ur laughter, the sharing( care and share ppl). my life would have never been the same man!

tessa, mak! we need ur brains! lets work together man! the class needs aid!! hahahaha

xiuru! i remember there is once when i was really sick and u msged me to ask me how i was and that i shouldn't stress too much! frankly, when i saw that msg, i was really uplifted. this sort of simple stuff u do unintentionally really made me smile! ur siaoness and hyperness is just ur outside.. wats in u is the xr that only ppl who are close to u can see.. very compassionate! thanks for making this yr such an memorable year.

xl, be urself! serious..

shaun, wy! go all the way man. u've come so far!

des! i can never forget u! thank u for always being there for me.. yu have shown me wat it means by being only a call or sms away! u were always there whenever i needed someone.. God bless u! (: ur little deeds have definitely blessed my life and impacted it to the fullest! ((: i thank God for putting u in my life.

des, wanhsin,cheryl,christianne,joy,florence! thanks for all the time we spent together!
(CnS gang!)

-- wanhsin and joy! dont worry bout CP! conditioning is meant for u all to work even harder.. i know u all can do it!! we'll still be 20 strong at the end of the year! (:

i have never felt this kind of bond in my life. i personally would like to thank each and every one of u. u all have MAD (make a difference) in my life.

in TJ history there is only ONE 32/06! lets work towards our dreams!

everyday a plant would ask,"why are we so plain? look at the hills, look at the trees, look at the flowers! they are all so beautiful!".
the plant kept thinking,"why am i so worthless? ppl trample upon us!"
than one day, the wind came, howling. the hills didnt erode, the trees didnt fall, all because of the firmness of the roots of the grass.
this little thing gives us a scenerio of how important we ALL are no matter how insiginificant we think we are. we all are here for a reason, a purpose. lets work forward. lets not get distracted by our surroundings. just be ourselves. the good will eventually show.

as we approach the festive season, i would like to wish each and everyone of you guys a BLESSED CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR. thanks for a great yr 2006!
32/06! u guys rock!

i can be sure tat next yr if any of u need my help.. i'll be there (:
Lets make another record! jump from 14th to 4th? hahaha. jiayou

-posted by clovis

the BEST cg||4:13 PM||

Monday, December 18, 2006

So, if you read the previous post, we are looking into a christmas dinner. Sorry for the short notice but it had to be so. Here are the options which I thought:

1.Club function room: nice, big, grand ballroom style. See here for details: http://www.lagunagolf.com.sg/site2/home.php?fuseaction=publiccontent.realpubliccontent&MainCatID=2&SubCatID=1000000105&subid=24fuseaction=publiccontent.realpubliccontent&MainCatID=2&SubCatID=1000000105&subid=24

Pluses: Grand setting, you get to doll yourself up as much as you want, food is probably of some standard.

Minuses: EXPENSIVE$$$$...we are looking at probably 80-100 dollars or perhaps even more, because it's the festive season. The other downside is that we may not be able to get the place on such short notice.

2.Second option: Club Wine Bar restaurant. Fairly cozy setting, restaurant style food, etc..

See link: http://www.lagunagolf.com.sg/site2/home.php?fuseaction=publiccontent.realpubliccontent&MainCatID=2&SubCatID=1000000105&subid=18

Plus: Cheaper than Ballroom, still get a fairly large area to dine in.

Minus: Might still be expensive to some. We are looking at anything from 15 to 30+ dollars, depending on what you eat.

3.Third and most likely final decision: Go to someone's house and pot luck. No description necessary. Anyone want to volunteer their house?

Feedback to me.

the BEST cg||2:40 PM||

Thursday, December 14, 2006

yo ppl!
desmond here! hahahaha..
im now having the korean homestay too
*waves to clo and flo*
haha ok take care everyone
will be back on the 16 haha

the BEST cg||10:03 PM||

hello!!! Staying with handsome guys right now. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! BE JEALOUS PEOPLE!!!!!! (:


the BEST cg||9:40 PM||

ok!! clovis here!! i am in korea! the family home stay now! its damn fun! just had basketball game!! with brian, kevin,three american girls, huiqi, ernest and kok yi! some random tjcians! haha. its like 9.50pm now! its 8.50 in spore though. huiqi them just left us! haha. ok its -6 degrees now! froze! the past few days had been good! skiing, hanging out! i miss them now though we are still at chuncheong city. haiz.. its like every night we gather in my room to play poker!! wan hsin, des, xiuru, flo and myself with other ppl! haiz. time flies!! gg back in two days! im so gonna miss u guys man!
shall update more when i get to spore! look out for the photo bucket we are gna compile with an online diary! (:

i love u guys

the BEST cg||8:49 PM||


The 32/06 Story

FRIENDS are forever
especially friends like you.

We are seeds which grew and blossomed,
catepillars that transformed into ONE butterfly.
Together, forever, we SOAR as one!

32/06 l0ves y0u*.