32/06 ROCKS!
Sunday, January 07, 2007

oh well.. the year started already! ppl its 2007! A lvls. sorry to burst your bubbles.!!

haiz! sianness!! anyway! o night rocks! haha
though nyrah won. but dooga rocks la
-i crashed-

OG 16 went with the floW.. they won the OG performance! hahah.. zhuangshu, wanhsin, cheryl, shalynn, xiuru.. power la! haha and the other non-32ers

anw.. serious stuff now.. i am freak sad laaaaa

1. i damn sad la! class split to three! for GP! where is the love man!
2. CT changed! mixed feelings
3. math teacher changed--- sad! i wan cecil man! he strict la.. but i improved 20 marks under him
4. i have 10 months nore with u guys
5. time table screwed
6. i got sore throat now
7. i late 2 times le
8. f tong said hi to me on the day i was late
9. i got taught by THE ONE to do the fun dance
10. wanhsin won bridge alot of times that day
11. ppl bully tj (VJ ppl)
12. need to study le!


-posted by clovis

the BEST cg||6:37 PM||


The 32/06 Story

FRIENDS are forever
especially friends like you.

We are seeds which grew and blossomed,
catepillars that transformed into ONE butterfly.
Together, forever, we SOAR as one!

32/06 l0ves y0u*.